May 2024 DRAFT Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Corringham Parish Council

Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting May 7th 2023

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Corringham Parish Council, held on Tuesday 7th May 2024 at 7.15 pm at Corringham Village Hall

Present: Parish Councillors: D. Semley, S Blades, J Tipping, M Johnson, M Parr

7.15pm – Public Forum: No members of the public were present

41.   ELECTION OF CHAIR – Cllr. Semley was elected to the position of Chairman and accepted the office. 

42.   ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIR  - Cllr. Blades was elected to the position of Vice Chairman and accepted the office. 

43.   CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME – Cllr Semley welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Cllrs. For their support.



46.   MINUTES - To consider and resolve to approve the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held Tuesday 2nd April 2024 and address matters arising.

a)   Thonock allotment rent – After discussions with Thonock it was ascertained that the rent review was every 2 years. It was RESOLVED to accept this 2 year review period.

b)   Kings portrait – The framed portrait of His Majesty King Charles 111 had arrived and it was RESOLVED to offer this to the Village Hall so it could be hung I a public space. Cllr. Johnson accepted the portrait on behalf of the Village Hall committee.

c)   AGAR update – Cllr. Semley informed the Council that the Internal auditor had signed the finalised AGAR documents, the Exemption certificate had been submitted, and the Period of Public rights to be published as per agreed.

d)   Annual Parish Meeting – It was RESOLVED to purchase some cakes from Uncle Henry’s for the meeting. Cllr. Semley to put together a leaflet to advertise the meeting and Cllr. Johnson to issue a 2nd Facebook ad.  Notices re the meeting to be placed on the Noticeboards. Information already on website.

47.   BUSINESS MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION – To consider and review:

a.   It was RESOLVED to accept minor amendments to Standing Orders and Financial Regulations and adopt.

b.   Review of arrangements (including legal agreements) with other local authorities, not-for-profit bodies, and businesses. 

i.   Ashwin Charity – Cllr. Semley has been approached by Nat West Bank to see if they can help us resolve ongoing banking issues. It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Semley follow up on this and speak to the bank’s representative.

ii.   Recreation Ground – Annual report overdue as there are issues with accessing the charity following changes in the Chrity Commission admin. Awaiting updates from Charity Commission to overcome the issues.

c.   Review of representation on or work with external bodies and arrangements for reporting back. – Nothing to report

d.   Review of inventory of land and other assets including buildings and office equipment.

i.   Asset register – Was updated for AGAR

ii.   Ashwin Land holding – To be registered with Land Registry

iii.   Cemetery landholding – Still with Land Registry office

iv.   Office equipment – Cllr Semley recommend adding cabinets & fireproof bag to asset register. It was RESOLVED to accept this recommendation.

e.   Confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks.

i.   Insurance due 31st May. Quotation - £418.20 – It was RESOLVED to accept the insurance quote as presented.

f.   Review of the Council’s and/or staff subscriptions to other bodies.

i.   LALC subscriptions – Subscriptions to LALC and Training courses already paid for 2024-25

ii.   SLCC membership (c £120) – It was agreed that membership be reviewed on appointment of Clerk.

g.   Review of relevant Council’s policies, procedures and practices in respect of its obligations under freedom of information and data protection legislation (see also standing orders 11, 20 and 21).


a.   Burial Policy – It was RESOLVED to uphold the Burial cost as they currently stand.

It was RESOLVED to accept the minor amendments and amended review dates, as circulated, to the following policies:

b.   Communications policy

c.   Data breach policy

d.   Expenses policy

e.   Grant & Donation policy

f.   Privacy & Data Protection Policy

g.   Internal Controls policy

h.   Scheme of Delegation

i.   Scheme of Publication 

j.   Code of Conduct

h.   Determining the time and place of ordinary meetings of the Council up to and including the next annual meeting of the Council. – It was RESOLVED to hold meetings up to the next annual meeting of the Council on the first Tuesday of every month with the exception of August which would be held if required. Venues to be advertised with the agendas.

i.   Review of existing committees and review of the Terms of Reference. – It was RESOLVED to accept the minor amendments to the Finance committee as circulated. Cllr. Johnson to join the Finance committee.

i.   Fencing review – Some of the fences around the Parish, in particular in the pond area, are in need of mending or replacement. This to be considered in conjunction with the Pond Project.

j.   Pond project – It was RESOLVED that Cllrs. Johnson and Semley get together to work on the logistics and requirements for this project.

48.   FINANCIAL REPORTS – To receive the financial report and approve payments. 

i.    RFO Report 30/04/2024






Monies in bank as of 30th April 2024

Current Account = £5,101.92

BMM (Reserve) Account = £33,099.66

Total = £38,201.58            

Bank reconciled to 30/04/2024



Bank activity

Bank charges April 2024 = £8.00

Interest on reserve account April 2024 = £45.53



Paid invoices & expenses

Village Hall – Room hire March 2024 - £26.00

Hilltop Tree Services – Cemetery Tree Works - £900 (VAT £150)



Outstanding invoices & expenses

Heathers property services – Grass cutting = £1,270.00

Zurich – Insurance = £418.20



Expected outgoings

Village Hall – Room hire April 2024 - £26



Income received

WLDC - Precept - £15,000



Income outstanding





AGAR documents signed. Internal Auditor signed. Exemption certificate submitted

Public Rights dates to be posted




VAT claim for £164.19 for 2023/24 period submitted


It was RESOLVED to accept the RFO report as presented.

a.   It was resolved to approve payments for –

i.   Thonock Estates - £173.50

ii.   Heathers Property Services - £1,270.00

iii.   Zurich Insurance – £418.20

iv.   Village Hall - £26

b.   VAT claim submitted for £164.19 for 2023/24 accounting period.

49.   PLANNING MATTERS – No planning applications received.

50.   CORRESPONDENCE – WLDC Code of conduct training – Cllrs. Johnson & Semley to attend 

No correspondence received from Church re offer to pay for tap repairs.


Aisby Noticeboard
Fire Hydrants in Aisby

52.   CLERK – It was RESOLVED to exclude the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s1(2) due to the sensitive nature of the item to be discussed.

Discussions were had over applications received. Cllr. Johnson to follow up applicants and hold telephone interviews.

53.   DATE OF NEXT MEETING – To resolve the note the date of the next Ordinary meeting as 4th June 2024