Scheme of Publications

Reviewed May 2024

1. Scheme of publication
2. Publishing data sets for re-use
3. Table of publications
Class 1 – Who we are and what we do
Class 2 – What we spend and how we spend it
Class 3 – What our priorities are and how we are doing
Class 4 – How we make decisions
Class 5 – Our policies and procedures
Class 6 – Lists and registers
Class 7 – The services we offer

1.    Scheme of publication

The Scheme of Publication sets out what kinds of information that the ICO would expect Parish Councils to provide in order to meet their commitments under the model publication scheme.

The ICO would expect Parish Councils to make the information in this definition document available unless:

(a)    it does not hold the information;

(b)    the information is exempt under one of the FOIA exemptions or Environmental Information Regulations exceptions, or its release is prohibited by another statute;

(c)    the information is readily and publicly available from an external website; such information may have been provided by the public authority or on its behalf. The authority must provide a direct link to that information;

(d)    the information is archived, out of date or otherwise inaccessible; or,

(e)    it would be impractical or resource-intensive to prepare the material for routine release.

The legal commitment is to the model publication scheme, and public authorities should look to provide as much information as possible on a routine basis.

2.    Publishing datasets for re-use

Public authorities must publish under their publication scheme any dataset they hold that has been requested, together with any updated versions, unless they are satisfied that it is not appropriate to do so.

So far as reasonably practicable, they must publish it in an electronic form that is capable of re- use.

If the dataset or any part of it is a relevant copyright work and the public authority is the only owner, the public authority must make it available for re-use under the terms of a specified licence. Datasets in which the Crown owns the copyright or the database rights are not relevant copyright works.

The Datasets Code of Practice recommends that public authorities make datasets available for re-use under the Open Government Licence.

The term ‘dataset’ is defined in section 11(5) of FOIA. The terms ‘relevant copyright work’ and ‘specified licence’ are defined in section 19(8) of FOIA.

The ICO has published guidance on the dataset provisions in FOIA. This explains what is meant by “not appropriate” and “capable of reuse”.

3.    Table of Publications

Information published

How the information can be obtained



Class 1 – Who we are and what we do

Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts This will be current information only

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Who’s who on the Council and its Committees

Council: Hard copy Council: Website Committee: Contact the Clerk

20p per A4 sheet Free

Contact details for Parish Clerk and Council Members (named contacts where possible with telephone number and email address (if used)

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free


Class 2 – What we spend and how we spend it

Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit.


Current and previous financial year as a minimum

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Annual return form and report by auditor

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Finalised consolidated budget

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Standing Orders

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Financial Regulations

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Grants given and received

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

List of current contracts awarded and value of contract

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Members allowances and expenses

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free


Class 3 – What our priorities are and how we are doing

Annual report to Parish Meeting (current and previous year as a minimum)

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free


Class 4 – How we make decisions

Decision making processes and records of decision

Current and previous council year as a minimum

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Timetable of meetings (Council and any committee/sub committee meetings and Parish meetings).

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Agendas of meetings

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Minutes of meetings (NB this will exclude information that is properly regarded as private to the meeting)

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Reports presented to council meetings (NB this will exclude information that is properly regarded as private to the meeting)

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Responses to consultation papers

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Responses to Planning applications

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free


Class 5 – Our policies and procedures

Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our service and responsibilities


Current information only

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Policies and procedures for the conduct of Council business :

Procedural Standing Orders

Committee and sub committee terms of reference

Delegated authority in respect of officers Code of Conduct Policy Statements

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Policies and procedures for the provision of

services and about the employment of staff.

Hard copy


20p per A4 sheet


Complaints Procedure (including those covering request for information and operating the publication scheme)

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Data Protection Policy Any other policies

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free


Class 6 – Lists and Registers

Currently maintained lists and registers only

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Any publicly available register or list (if any are held this should be publicised. In most circumstances existing access provisions will suffice)

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Assets register (updated annually)

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Disclosure log (indicating the information that has been provided in response to requests; recommended as good practice, but may not be held by Parish Councils)

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Register of Members’ Interests

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Register of gifts and hospitality

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free


Class 7 – The services we offer

Information about the services we offer, including leaflets, guidance and newsletters produced for the public and businesses


Current information only

Hard copy Website

20p per A4 sheet Free

Clerk to the Council