April 2021 Minutes

Corringham Parish Council Clerk to the Council: Mrs A Hayward
Lindale Villa, Gringley Rd, Walkeringham DN10 4HT Tel: 01427 891118, email: angela@lindalevilla.com

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 6 April 2021 at 7.30 pm held remotely via Zoom

Present:    Cllrs. P Hardwick (Chair), P Arthy, S Blades, J Sims, J Stanser, M Parr, R Brown, A Lowe-Hall, Dist. Cllr. Howitt-Cowan and A Hayward (Clerk) Members of the Public: 0

01.04.21    Chairman’s Remarks
Cllr. Hardwick welcomed everyone to the meeting.

02.04.21    Apologies for absence and reasons given
Cllr. Semley (work commitment) Cty. Cllr. Perraton-Williams PCSO McFaul

Resolved: apologies accepted

03.04.21    Declarations of interest
The following declarations of interest were made:

Cllrs. M Parr & P Hardwick – allotment matters Cllrs. J Sims & P Hardwick – village hall matters
Cllr. Brown – Planning Application 142511, Netherdene Cottage, Aisby (pecuniary)

04.04.21    Public Discussion

05.04.21    Notes of the last meeting of the Council
The minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2021 were discussed and resolved as being a true record.

Cllr. Lowe-Hall joined the meeting.

06.04.21    Reports from Outside Agencies and Sub-Committees
Corringham Village Hall
Cllr. Hardwick reported that things remained quiet due to COVID-19 restrictions, however the gymnastic club and table tennis club have been allowed to resume. The refurbishment of the Ladies’ toilets is now complete and work has started on the Gents’ toilets.

Neighbourhood Plan
The Neighbourhood Plan submission documents have been submitted to WLDC for the 6-week consultation and will then go to Examination. The Parish Council agreed to allow Cllr. Semley to liaise with Clive to choose the Independent Examiner.

07.04.21    Matters for Consideration

Litter Picking Equipment
Cllr. Hardwick confirmed that 8 hi-viz jackets were available. Cllr. Blades advised that the cost of grabbers would be around £22 for a pack of four. It was agreed to purchase 8 grabbers and black bin bags. It was felt that, due to COVID-19, it would be better for individuals to provide their own gloves. Date of first litter pick to be arranged once equipment had been purchased (agenda item, next meeting).

Aisby/Corringham Connectivity
Cllr. Brown reported that BT Openreach had forwarded an estimate of the likely costs to bring Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) to the parish which would give download speeds of up to 12Gbps. Through a co-funded approach, they would cover costs for the project that fall within their commercial threshold. The figures estimated below represent the remaining cost that the community would need to  contribute to enable them to deliver FTTP:

Core Community: 83 Premises (premises in Aisby and Corringham) Initial Estimate: £282,746
Cost per premise: £3,406.58
There may be grants and/or vouchers available to the community to cover some of the costs. Cllr. Brown to seek further clarification and investigate further whether the parish qualifies for the voucher scheme and will report back to the next meeting.

Physical meetings
The current legislation allowing remote meetings to take place is to expire on 6th May. As it stands at the moment Parish Councils must return to physical meets on the 7th May. NALC and other groups are not entirely happy with this and are making representations to the Government to extend this provision until September. As for as the Annual meetings are concerned, it was agreed that they would take place remotely on the 4th May, 2021. A decision about whether or not to hold a meeting in June to be decided at the May meeting.

08.04.21    Financial Matters
Financial Report:

Income to date:    £    0.00
Outgoings to date:    £ 1,036.74
Funds available:    £14,093.88

The following payments were proposed, seconded, voted and agreed.

Cheque Number







Salaries and admin expenses




Subs/Training Scheme



N Kesteven DC

Cemetery rates



D Semley

NP admin expenses

09.04.21    District and County Councillors’ reports

County Councillor

Cllr. Perraton-Williams had forwarded the following report: Aisby – I have not had a date for grit bin yet, or the trees.
Contact about nuisance parking outside the school – The team are going out this month to inspect the zig zags outside the school and in principle will check to see if they can replace them with enforceable keep clear markings. This will have to be checked to ensure they won't need a Traffic Regular Order. They will also at the same time have a look and see what else may be done in terms of enforcement.

I have also had a list of the crews fixing some edge damage along Pilham lane in Aisby.

I have just realised this is the last meeting before the Lincolnshire County Council election, so I hope to see you after at your next Parish Council Meeting in the same capacity. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support during the last 4 years, and look forward to being able to represent you for the next 4.

District Councillor
Cllr. Howitt-Cowan had forwarded the following report:

Planning 142098 Middle St near the church Decision is delayed subject to a bat survey in May. Changes to CIL
Hitherto, CIL was to be paid by the property developer on 10 houses towards social housing
The Government has now changed the rules in order to encourage property developers to build 45 before CIL kicks in, which means less social housing provision.
Changes to Planning law:
Developers will be allowed to turn shops, post offices and pharmacies into apartments without permission under laws passed last week. This would enable communities to be restored in our town

Local Plan for Greater Lincolnshire
Renewable energy has been concentrating minds at the review of the Local Plan for Greater Lincolnshire. It recommended installing a minimum of 75 turbines across the wider area, which it said would require an area the size of about 150 football pitches. According to a report prepared for the three authorities, the region would need to reduce emissions by 13.4 percent a year to meet its targets, with 70 percent of energy being produced by onshore wind, solar, or other forms of renewable power. The proposals face a public consultation which is due to take place in the coming weeks. Off shore is more desirable for these structures rather on shore and we should be exploring the range of renewable energy such as ground source. And no costings have been published for 75 wind turbines.
Lateral Flow Testing
lateral flow testing site will be up and running by the end of next week based at the Gainsborough Leisure Centre. All staff that are not working from home are all welcome to attend and take tests either at the centre or by collecting a home testing kit to help protect themselves and their families. We will be communicating further details with Officers through the coming days and weeks.

Bowling Green Road Regeneration, Gainsborough
Work continues to progress on the Bowling Green Road regeneration project in Gainsborough. Acis are on site with their contractor Vistry and are aiming to have completed the land remediation works by the beginning of April. This drone footage shows latest progress. We continue to work with Homes England and Acis to secure grant funding for the delivery of 138 new homes and we are excited with some of the new ‘green’ technology that is going to be piloted on the site.

Gainsborough Heritage Trail
A brand new and exclusive heritage trail booklet has been launched in Gainsborough, taking in the scenery and heritage of the small market town. The booklet, which has been designed by the team behind the Townscape Heritage Initiative, leads visitors and locals on a 90-minute walking tour past some of the most iconic sights and attractions of the West Lindsey town.
Participants will begin at the Gainsborough Heritage Centre, before being led past landmarks such as the Old Nick Theatre, Marshall’s Yard, Old County Court House, Gainsborough Old Hall and more.

Live and Recording Work at Trinity Arts Centre
Whilst theatres across the UK are mandated to close to the public, they are still eligible to carry on developing creative work.  This week, Trinity Arts Centre has played host to the promotional filming of four national touring productions. The week has been comprised of two days rehearsing and two days filming and means that the Trinity Arts Centre brand will be following these productions to more than 200 venues across the UK. This is the first time our brand new state of the art LED stage lighting fixtures had been put to good use - and the company were impressed! Usually occupying a larger venue in Nottingham, the company have said that they much prefer Trinity ‘an unknown gem of a theatre with outstanding technical facilities’. The company will return to undertake rehearsals later in the year and even bring their shows to Trinity.

County Council Election - 2021
on Thursday 6 of May, the Count is to be held on Friday 7 of May.
Rural is comprised of Hemswell Ward, totally just under 8, 000 electors composed of 21 parishes. It derives its name from Scotter with eligible electors of 1, 073 although Morton has 1,163 electors!
Simultaneously there are referendums in respective parishes for Neighbourhood Development Plans eg Gainsborough], a bye election in the Kelsey Ward and the election for a Police Commissioner.
County Council and Police Commission elections should have been held in 2020 however, due to covid they were postponed until 2021.

Police Report;
PCSO McFaul sent the following report:
19/03 – suspicious male in the graveyard in Corringham.
04/03 – two males attended a farm in Corringham asking for machinery. The males became rude and offered a fight to the caller.

Cllr. Hardwick had also report men in the village acting suspiciously on the 6th April.

10.04.21    Planning Matters
New Planning Applications: 142511 – Netherdene Cottage
Proposal: planning application to remove existing ground floor utility/lobby and erect new single storey extension, alterations to roof to create single pitched roof.

Resolved: No objection, no comment

WLDC Planning Decisions

11.04.21    Councillors’ reports and items for inclusion on the next agenda

Cllr. Hardwick reported that St Lawrence Church in Corringham was in dire financial circumstances and there is a possibility that it could be closed due to lack of finances. If it closes the parish will be without a clock, the bells will be taken down and anything valuable will be taken out. In terms of the church yard maintenance, it may fall of the Parish Council to look after it. Cllr. Howitt-Cowan has spoken to the Arch Deacon and it was suggested that a leaflet could be sent out to the parish and/or arrange a public meeting to make people aware of the situation.

12.04.21    The date of the next meetings is planned for Tuesday 4 May 2021 at 7.30pm to take place remotely via Zoom.  These would be the annual meetings.

Meeting closed at 8.06 pm