November 2024 Minutes
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Corringham Parish Council, held on Tuesday 5th November 2024 at 7.15 pm at Corringham Village Hall
Present: Parish Councillors: D Semley (Chairman), S Blades (Vice Chairman), J Tipping, M Johnson, M Parr
7.15pm – Public Forum: 8 members of the public attended
Cllr. Semley welcomed all the members of the public and introductions were made.
A member of the public raised some issues with the draft minutes from the October meeting as published. Amendments to be made prior to accepting as a true and accurate record.
It was questioned as to why the RFO reports were no longer being added to the minutes.
It was pointed out that the draft minutes from the October meeting were late in being posted.
Questions were asked as to the decisions made at the finance meeting and rational behind those decisions.
97. CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME - Cllr. Semley thanked the members of the public and councillors for attending.
Councillor Semley explained that she had been very ill through Covid and had been unable to attend the October meeting or undertake any Parish work prior or since the said meeting. She also explained that she had had a bereavement in the family over the previous weekend which meant that things were not as they should have been.
The loss of the Clerk after the October meeting had exacerbated the situation further.
As some items of importance had been omitted from the minutes Cllr. Semley called for an EGM the following week. This was to address the recommendations from the Finance committee meeting of 10th September 2024, agree the budget requirement for 2025/26 fiscal year, and approve the precept request for 2025/26.
99. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND DISPENSATION REQUESTS – No declaration in relation to the agenda items.
100. MINUTES & MATTERS ARISING – As there were amendments to the October minutes they were not signed as a true and accurate record and will be deferred to the December meeting.
Comments/questions from the last meeting from the public:
Concerns were raised about the RFO report not appearing on the noticeboard or the website. – Cllr Semley explained in the move to a new Clerk and her subsequent illness and bereavement some things had been missed. The RFO reports being one of them. This situation is now being rectified.
Concerns were raised about a number of parishioners not receiving the newsletter and also regarding signage. – The Council were unsure as to what newsletter members of the public were referring to as the Council has not issued any newsletter recently. The Council always endeavours to ensure all parishioners receive a copy of the Parish newsletter. It is also posted on the noticeboards and on the Parish website.
Signage – This was omitted from the November minutes and was to be added to the EGM minutes for discussion.
Concerns were raised concerning the recent annual finance meeting held in September with regard to the powers used and the procedural processes involved. – Cllr Semley explained that the powers used and procedures followed were within the Financial regulations of the Council and that the Finance Committee had only made recommendations for discussion at full Council. Cllr. Semley noted that the draft minutes from the Finance Committee meeting were inaccurate and would be amended to reflect the correct outcome.
i. Resignation of Clerk – It was with great sadness that the Council received a letter of resignation from the Clerk citing personal reasons. It was RESOLVED to accept the resignation of the Clerk.
It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Semley, once again, undertake the duties of the Clerk without renumeration until the AGAR was complete.
ii. Tree preservation order – Cllr. Semley is in correspondence with WLDC and is awaiting relevant forms.
Still awaiting quotations
iii. Newsletter to be amended in light of Clerk resignation
iv. Pond works – Awaiting final costings
v. Cemetery works – Deferred to later meeting
vi. Defibrillator request for Aisby – A request had been submitted for a defibrillator to be installed in Aisby. Cllr. Semley raised some concerns that there was no public building in Aisby on which to site the unit.
Cllr. Semley to contact WLDC re siting of defibrillators and ascertain that the scheme is still running. Monies would have to come from reserves as no monies had been allocated to this in the current budget.
102. FINANCIAL REPORTS – To receive the financial report and approve payments.
i. RFO report for September was presented. It was RESOLVED to accept as a true and accurate record.
RFO Report 30/09/2024
1. |
Monies in bank as of 30th September 2024 |
Current Account = £961.02 BMM (Reserve) Account = £33,409.82 Total = £34,370.84 Bank reconciled to 30th September 2024 |
2. |
Bank activity |
Bank charges September 2024 = £8.00 Interest on reserve account September 2024 = £54.96 |
3. |
Paid invoices & expenses |
ICO - £35.00 Clerks - Salary - £162.00 Village Hall – Room Hire - £26.00 LALC – Website Support - £216.00 Clerk - Mileage – Training - £22.50 Clerk - Additional Hours – £60.70 |
4. |
Outstanding invoices & expenses |
None |
7. |
Income received |
8. |
Income outstanding |
None |
9. |
To date - £203.67 |
ii. RFO report for October was presented together with a budget update and bank reconciliation. It was RESOLVED to accept as a true and accurate record.
RFO Report 31/10/2024
1. |
Monies in bank as of 31st October 2024 |
Current Account = £3,300.73 BMM (Reserve) Account = £28,459.81 Total = £31,760.54 Bank reconciled to 31st October 2024 |
2. |
Bank activity |
Bank charges October 2024 = £8.00 Interest on reserve account October 2024 = £49.99 |
3. |
Paid invoices & expenses |
Clerk - salary - £162.00 Heather property services – Grass cutting x 3 months - £2,465.00 Clerk – Expenses - £25.29 |
4. |
Total income to date |
£15,672.90 |
5. |
Total outgoings to date |
£7,893.18 |
6. |
To date - £203.67 |
iii. It was RESOLVED to agree payment of £78 to the Village Hall for room hire for September, October & November.
104. CORRESPONDENCE – circulated prior to meeting
i. Two Persons had expressed an interest in joining the Parish Council. As they were both present Cllr. Semley gave them both copies of the New Councillor pack.
ii. Tillbridge development update was circulated prior to the meeting – No comments from Council.
Re Grant Application form – Cllr Semley advised that the grant application form is already on the website and forms part of the grant and donation policy in the Policy section. Cllr. Semley agreed the website was a little cumbersome and needs attention. With the advent of a new web administrator making changes should be easier.
i. Road signs for Aisby & some roads in Corringham
ii. Church clock payment
iii. Minutes of Finance meeting September 10th 2024
iv. Recommendations from Finance Committee
v. Precept request for 2025/26
vi. In light of Council being unable to access the Village Hall in time for the start of the Councillors requested that the Village Hall be approached regarding an additional key to be held by the Chairman.
It was RESOLVED that the date of the next Extra Ordinary meeting will be: Tuesday 12th November 2024 at 7.15 pm
Meeting closed 19.52pm