July 2024 Minutes
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Corringham Parish Council, held on Tuesday 2nd July at 7.15pm Corringham Village Hall
Present: Parish councillors- D.Semley(Chairman), J.Ellis(Clerk), S.Blades, J.Tipping, M.Johnson, M.Parr
7.15 pm – Public Forum: No members of the public attended
1. Chairmans welcome-Cllr Semley welcomed all to the meeting and thanked them for attending
2. Apoligies for absence - None
3. Declarations of interest and dispensation requests- No decleration in relation to the agenda items
4. Minutes- To consider and resolve to:
i. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 4th June as a true and accurate record of the meeting
5. New Clerk-
i. New Clerk J.Ellis was welcomed
ii. It was RESOLVED that an external hard drive would be purchased and that the clerk would be able to claim expenses for printer ink costs. A new fire bag is to be purchased
iii. Administration- Discussion held to allocate which initial administration tasks would be assigned to the new clerk.
The policy file and copy of the Nolan principles was handed to the new clerk.
iv. Training and Handover- A date was agreed between D.Semley and J.Ellis to have an initial training session which is to be on the 26th July.
A date was agreed for J.Ellis to be booked onto the new clerks training course.
It was RESOLVED that the new clerk will undertake CILCA training funded by the Parish Council.
v. Allocation of jobs-
i. D.Semley to continue to manage the bank account until the new clerk's probation period is complete. Burials administration to stay the same at present.
ii. The new clerk to be given access to the email address and payroll will be set up at the first training session.
6. Business Matters for Consideration-
i. A date was set for a pond inspection by all members of the parish council on Wednesday 17th July 2024 at 7pm
ii. Newsletter checked and approved
Iii.Pond works, D.Semley has asked for quotes from 3 contractors. Hewitt is to be contacted
iv. Cemetry works- A date for volunteers is to be confirmed
7. Financial Reports-
i. It was RESOLVED to accept the RFO report as a true and accurate record
ii. Invoices for grass cutting were approved for payment
8. Planning Matters
Tillbridge development
9. Correspondence
A formal complaint has been received regarding land use by an individual person
Enforcement has been contacted and the matter is currently with them.
10. Ongoing minor items and agenda items for the next meeting-
The sign for Pilham Lane has not yet been installed
11. Date of next meeting
It was RESOLVED that the date of the next Ordinary meeting will be:
3rd September 2024 at 7.15 pm
12. Meeting closed 20.30pm