April 2024 Minutes

Corringham Parish Council

Minutes of Ordinary Meeting April 2nd 2024

Minutes of an Ordinary meeting of Corringham Parish Council, held on Tuesday 2nd April 2024 at 7.15 pm at Corringham Village Hall

Present: Parish Councillors: D. Semley (Chair), S Blades, J Tipping, M Johnson, M Parr

7.15pm – Public Forum: No members of the public were present

31.   CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME – Meeting was opening by Cllr. Semley who wished everyone a good evening and thanked all for attending. 



34.   MINUTES - To consider and resolve to approve the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held Tuesday 5th March 2024 and address matters arising.

RESOLVED - That Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held Tuesday 5th March 2024 were approved and signed as a correct record.

Matters arising

a.   Ashwin Trust – Solicitor instructed to go ahead with ‘Statement of Truth’ and registration of land

The Charity Commission asked if we would be willing to speak to a journalist from Civic Society magazine with reference to the ongoing issues with the bank. Cllr. Semley to speak to the journalist in the coming week. 

b.   Tree works in Cemetery now complete – the bed along the western boundary now needs clearing.

c.   Grass cutting contract has started – awaiting invoice.

d.   Noticeboards in process of being updated. Advert for Clerk & Councillors, meeting dates and police commissioner election information to be added where space allows. Signpost to website where there is limited space.

e.   Newsletter underway.

f.   Missing Aisby village signs have been reported in fix my street by two councillors.

35.   BUSINESS MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION – To consider and review:

a.   AGAR (Annual Governance & Accountability Return)  – Copies of the statement and all supporting documents were circulated prior to the meeting. 

It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Semley step down from the Chair and Cllr. Blades take her place so the signing of the AGAR could take place. Cllr. Blades to sign as Chairman and Cllr. Semley to sign as RFO and Clerk.

RESOLVED – to accept internal audit – AGAR to be signed by auditor after statements are agreed by Council.

RESOLVED – to approve Annual Governance Statement.

RESOLVED – to accept Accounting Statement.

RESOLVED – to approve Certificate of Exemption

RESOLVED – to set date for commencement of exercise of public rights – 30 days commencing Monday 3rd June and ending Friday 12th July – Notice to be posted.

It was then RESOLVED that Cllr. Blades hand the chair back to Cllr. Semley.

b.   Annual Meeting of the Parish – It was RESOLVED to set the date for the Annual Meeting of the Parish as 28th May 2024. Advertisements to be placed on Social media, on the Noticeboards and on the website.

RESOLVED – To serve refreshments paid for through Council funds

c.   Policy Review – Some policies are up for review at the may meeting. Cllr. Semley to distribute policies, with suggested amendments, to all Councillors prior to the meeting.

d.   Thonock Allotment Rent – Cllr. Semley has had discussion with Thonock regarding the allotment rents. It appears with the change of contact at Thonock there has been some confusion. Thonock to ask one of their administrators to contact us to resolve this issue. 

e.   Portrait of the King – The council were offered a free portrait of our Majesty King Charles 3rd, for which we have duly applied. It was RESOLVED where the portrait should be sited would be decided once it had arrived.

f.   Website Update – The first set of updates are underway, although there are still some improvements to the layout and content required. Ongoing.

36.   FINANCIAL REPORTS – To receive the financial report and approve payments. 

a.   RFO report – Bank statements and bank reconciliation had been presented to the council with the AGAR documents.

b.   RFO Report 31/03/2024






Monies in bank as of 31st March 2024

Current Account = £3,305.92

BMM (Reserve) Account = £21,054.13

Total = £24,090.05            

Bank reconciled to 31/03/2024



Bank activity

Bank charges March 2024 = £8.00

Interest on reserve account March 2024 = £32.40



Paid invoices & expenses

Village Hall – Room hire February 2024 - £26.00

LALC – Internal Audit 2023-24 = £216 (VAT £36)

WLDC – Defibrillator = £400





Outstanding invoices & expenses

Hilltop Tree Services – Cemetery Tree Works - £900 (VAT £150)

For approval


Expected outgoings

Heathers property services – Grass cutting

Village Hall – Room hire March 2024



Income received

C Bradley – Ashes interment & Exclusive Rights - £260

C Bradley – Ashes interment & Exclusive Rights - £260

Retford memorials – Memorial installation - £100

Retford memorials – Memorial installation - £100



Income outstanding





AGAR documents ready to sign

Approve & Sign



For 2023/24 - £164.19

VAT Claim to be submitted

It was RESOLVED to accept the RFO report and bank reconciliation as being true and accurate.

c.   Payments were APPROVED for the following: 

Village Hall – Room hire March 2024 - £26.00
Hilltop Tree Services – Cemetery Tree Works - £900

37.   PLANNING MATTERS – The Corringham Water Recycling Centre planning application was discussed. No objections were raised. The Council felt it would be beneficial to the Community as part of the plan was to create a public walking area. The only concern was the mention of ‘hazardous substances being used – clarification to be sought on this.

38.   CORRESPONDENCE – All correspondence was circulated prior to the meeting. No comments.


Cllr. Semley to speak to local farmer re re-siting of Aisby noticeboard. 

40.   DATE OF NEXT MEETING – To resolve the note the date of the next Annual Meeting of Corringham Parish Council take place on Tuesday 7th May April 2024 at 7.15pm, with the Annual Parish Meeting taking place on Tuesday 28th May at 7.00pm.

Meeting Closed: 20.45