October 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Corringham Parish Council, held on Tuesday 1st October 2024 at 7.15 pm at Corringham Village Hall

Present:     Parish Councillors: S Blades (Vice Chairman), J Tipping, M Johnson, M Parr
        Clerk: J Ellis    

7.15pm – Public Forum: 6 members of the public attended

Cllr. Blades welcomed all and thanked them for attending. Introductions were made.

A parishioner put forward that they would like to try and encourage more local people to use the facilities and attend local events as numbers are dwindling. They also put forward that groups within the village should work together and move forwards. A discussion was held as to how this could be achieved and how to encourage representatives from the church, the school and the village hall to attend the parish council meetings.

Concerns were raised about the RFO report not appearing on the noticeboard or the website. 

Concerns were raised about a number of parishioners not receiving the newsletter and also regarding signage.

Concerns were raised concerning the recent annual finance meeting held in September with regard to the powers used and the procedural processes involved.

87.    CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME - Cllr. Blades thanked councillors for attending.

88.    APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr. Semley – Illness, Cllr. Johnson – Work commitments

89.    DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND DISPENSATION REQUESTS – No declaration in relation to the agenda items.

90.    MINUTES - To consider and resolve to: Approve the minutes from the meeting held Wednesday 3rd September
i. It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 3rd September as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

i.    Tree preservation order - Deferred to next month as Cllr. Semley has the relevant information.
ii.    Newsletter to be reviewed:
Draft deferred until next month when all Councillors will be in attendance
iii.    Pond Works - Improvements to be made under the Public Health Act. Quotations to be recorded and next steps agreed – Deferred until next month when the chairman will be in attendance with quotes
iv.    Cemetery works - A discussion was held as to how to make it more accessible and if it would be possible to start allocating jobs to those who are interested in volunteering.
This will be added to the agenda for the next meeting.

92.    FINANCIAL REPORTS – To receive the financial report and approve payments. 
No Financial Report available. - Deferred until next month as the chairman is not in attendance and is currently acting as RFO, until the new clerk has completed the probationary period.
No payments to approve.

Planning application for outbuilding at an existing dwelling on Middle Street - No comments or objections to be made

94.    CORRESPONDENCE – circulated prior to meeting
i.    A grant application form has been requested from the church as there doesn't appear to be one available on the website
ii.    There are currently 2 expressions of interest from parishioners wanting to join the Parish Council. 

The clerk updated the parish council on .gov email addresses, they are currently not compulsory although they are advised. 
There is currently funding available.

It was RESOLVED that the date of the next Ordinary meeting will be:  Tuesday 5th November 2024 at 7.15 pm

Meeting closed 20.35 pm