September 2024 Minutes
Corringham Parish Council
Minutes of Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Minutes of the Ordinary meeting of Corringham Parish Council, held on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at 7.15 pm at Corringham Village Hall
Present: Parish Councilors: D.Semley (Chairman), J.Ellis (Clerk), S.Blades, J.Tipping, M.Johnson, M.Parr
7.15 pm- Public Forum: 6 Members of the public attended.
Cllr Semley welcomed all and thanked them for attending. Introductions were made.
A parishioner put forward that they would like to try and appeal to the masses of the village and bring parishioners together by holding different events. A discussion was held regarding this and some of the parishioners suggested that a committee could be formed to access funding for this purpose.
It was suggested that funding can be applied for on the website and the matter will be added to the agenda for the next parish council meeting.
1. Chairman’s Welcome – Cllr Semley thanked the councilors for attending.
2. Apologies For Absence- None
3. Declarations of Interest and Dispensation Requests- No declaration in relation to the agenda items.
4. Minutes- To consider and resolve to: Approve the minutes from the meeting held Tuesday 2nd July
I. It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 2nd July as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
5. Business Matters for Consideration- To consider and review:
I. Recreation ground and fencing review:
A visit has taken place by Rob from Hilltop Tree Surgeons. A report has been prepared and a quotation for the works is in progress.
ii. Newsletter to be reviewed:
It was RESOLVED to approve the newsletter. A new quote is to be sourced for the printing of the newsletter.
iii. Pond Works-Improvements to be made under the Public Health Act. Quotations to be recorded and next steps agreed.
John Hewitt is scheduled to visit when the water level has dropped and arrange dredging. At present a moorhen is still nesting on the pond with young chicks.
iv. Cemetery works-The cemetery grass is to be cut once a fortnight. Volunteer help is needed to tidy it to an acceptable standard and additional funding is to be investigated.
This will be added to the agenda for the next meeting.
6. Financial Reports – To receive the financial report and approve payments
I. It was RESOLVED to accept the RFO report for July as a true and accurate record
II. The RFO report for August will be amended and resubmitted as there is an internment fee missing.
III. It was RESOLVED to approve the invoice for Hall hire.
IV. It was RESOLVED to approve the timesheet for the Clerk's extra hours and travel expenses due to attendance at new clerk training day.
7. Planning Matters- Planning for land on the High Street Ref 147769
Objection and comments to be made
8. Correspondence
i. Application for monies for items for Remembrance Day.
It was RESOLVED to approve the request for funding for re-useable lamppost poppies to display around the village.
II. Application for monies for the maintenance of church clock.
It was RESOLVED that 3 competitive quotes should be obtained for both annual and 3-year contracts.
Iii. Update on the issue regarding use of land on the High Street.
9. Ongoing Minor Items and Agenda Items for the Next Meeting
I. Signage at the junction of Hill Road and the A631
II. School parking- Email to the school to be sent
10. Date of Next Meeting
It was RESOLVED that the annual budget meeting will be held at 7.30pm Tuesday 10th September. It was RESOLVED that the date of the next Ordinary meeting will be:
Tuesday 1st October 2024 at 7.15 p74. Meeting closed 21.00 pm